Reducing compilation time of PhosphorosCore

I watched the episode Analyzing and Improving Build Times from C++ Weekly the other day.

It looked exciting, so I decided to give it a shot and try to profile the build time of PhosphorosCore using clang++ and its flag -ftime-trace. It did work, but I got a single json file per translation unit. Still helpful, but I was looking for more of a high-level overview.

A project does just that: ClangBuildAnalyzer. It can aggregate all those json files into a single file and obtain a summary. i.e.:

ClangBuildAnalyzer --all build.x86_64-fc35-clang120-dbg FullCapture.bin
ClangBuildAnalyzer --analyze FullCapture.bin > Report.txt

An extract from the output:

173540 ms: /home/aalvarez/Work/Projects/PhosphorosCore/PhosphorosCore/PhzDataModel/PhzDataModel/PhotometryGrid.h (included 122 times, avg 1422 ms), included via:
  CheckLuminosityParameter.cpp.o CheckLuminosityParameter.h  (2912 ms)
  BestModel.cpp.o BestModel.h  (2820 ms)
  PhotometryGrid.cpp.o  (2692 ms)
  PhysicalParameter.cpp.o PhysicalParameter.h  (2656 ms)
  PhotometryGridCreator_test.cpp.o PhotometryGridCreator.h  (2484 ms)
  CatalogHandler.cpp.o CatalogHandler.h  (2461 ms)

161148 ms: /home/aalvarez/Work/Projects/Alexandria/2.26.0/InstallArea/x86_64-fc35-clang120-o2g/include/GridContainer/serialize.h (included 135 times, avg 1193 ms), included via:
  ModelDatasetGrid.cpp.o ModelDatasetGrid.h ModelDatasetGenerator.h PhzModel.h  (1907 ms)
  GalacticCorrectionFactorSingleGridCreator.cpp.o ModelDatasetGrid.h ModelDatasetGenerator.h PhzModel.h  (1871 ms)
  ParameterSpaceConfig.cpp.o ParameterSpaceConfig.h PhzModel.h  (1847 ms)
  ModelDatasetGenerator.cpp.o ModelDatasetGenerator.h PhzModel.h  (1823 ms)
  PhzModel.cpp.o PhzModel.h  (1789 ms)
  GenericGridPrior_test.cpp.o GenericGridPrior.h DoubleGrid.h PhzModel.h  (1761 ms)

157469 ms: /home/aalvarez/Work/Projects/PhosphorosCore/PhosphorosCore/PhzDataModel/PhzDataModel/PhzModel.h (included 135 times, avg 1166 ms), included via:
  GenericGridPrior_test.cpp.o GenericGridPrior.h DoubleGrid.h  (2239 ms)
  PhzModel.cpp.o  (2231 ms)
  SingleGridPhzFunctor.cpp.o SingleGridPhzFunctor.h DoubleGrid.h  (2177 ms)
  SumMarginalizationFunctor_test.cpp.o SumMarginalizationFunctor.h DoubleGrid.h  (2159 ms)
  LikelihoodGridFunctor.cpp.o LikelihoodGridFunctor.h DoubleGrid.h  (2112 ms)
  MaxMarginalizationFunctor_test.cpp.o MaxMarginalizationFunctor.h DoubleGrid.h  (2110 ms)

145619 ms: /usr/include/boost/program_options.hpp (included 134 times, avg 1086 ms), included via:
  MarginalizationConfig.cpp.o MarginalizationConfig.h Configuration.h  (1816 ms)
  PdfOutputFlagsConfig.cpp.o PdfOutputFlagsConfig.h Configuration.h  (1815 ms)
  ModelGridOutputConfig.cpp.o ModelGridOutputConfig.h Configuration.h  (1607 ms)
  SedProviderConfig_test.cpp.o ConfigManager_fixture.h ConfigManager.h  (1587 ms)
  AxisFunctionPriorConfig_test.cpp.o ConfigManager_fixture.h ConfigManager.h  (1563 ms)
  MultithreadConfig.cpp.o MultithreadConfig.h Configuration.h  (1559 ms)

Nice! We can see that the compiler spends 173 seconds (!) just parsing PhotometryGrid.h, 161s GridContainer/serialize.h, etc.

The first insight is: why is a serialization header included 135 times? There should not be many units concerned with writing or reading the grid. And, indeed, there aren’t. PhzModel.h is overreaching.

Easy fix, just split the serialization code contained in PhzModel.h into another header, and include it only on the sources that care about IO.

What about program_options.hpp? Well, Configuration.h includes it since it handles argument parsing, but in reality, it only needs boost::program_options::options_description and boost::program_options::variable_value. Let’s remove the inclusion of program_options.hpp and include only boost/program_options/options_description.hpp and boost/program_options/variables_map.hpp.

We can see the idea, include the minimum possible. With this, I cut the build time by 10%.

Still, Configuration.h from Alexandria was particularly heavy, due to the inclusion of boost/program_options/options_description.hpp. I had never tried precompiled headers, but I decided to try it since many files in PhosphorosCore include Configuration.h.

    target_precompile_headers(PhzConfiguration PRIVATE
endif ()

This cut down the build time further! The total savings now is at 25%!

That was worth it 😄